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Basilius Besler Wall Art

Basilius Besler (Born 1591) was born and raised in Nuremberg. He was a respected botanist and apothecary during the reign of Bishop Conrad Johann von Gemmingen, and was in charge of the bishop’s garden. In 1586 he set up his own botanical garden. Besler set up a comprehensive collection of natural history specimens and people in the area soon knew him as a collector of natural history specimens and a botanist. His collection became the center of attraction for many viewers, students and teachers. It became on the leading collections in Nuremberg. In 1597 he was instructed by the bishop of Eichstätt to create a botanical garden in Willibaldsburg Castle. Twelve years later, he wrote a description of this garden and produced "Hortus Eystettensis", the famous plant atlas that was published in 1613 and printed in large format. The bishop financed it.

The atlas contains more than 1000 illustrations of plants from about 400 copperplate engravings. Most of the plants were depicted in their natural size. Besler was no scientist and so he limited himself to indicating where information about each plant could be found in professional writings (Clusius, Camerarius, Fuchs, Cauhin, Lobelius, Tabernaemontanus, etc.). He also gave the plants' old German and Latin names. The work depicts 23 American, 209 southeastern and southern- European, 349 German, 9 African and 63 Asian species. It was first published in a 300 piece edition and was the most modern book on plants of its time, in 1613. His work continues to attract attention of people from all quotas.
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Spa Peonies I
Fine-Art Print
15" x 18"
Ships within 2-3 days
Spa Peonies II
Fine-Art Print
15" x 18"
Ships within 2-3 days
Spa Peonies III
Fine-Art Print
15" x 18"
Ships within 2-3 days
Spa Peonies IV
Fine-Art Print
15" x 18"
Ships within 2-3 days
Besler Poppies I
Fine-Art Print
18" x 24"
Ships within 2-3 days
Besler Poppies II
Fine-Art Print
18" x 24"
Ships within 2-3 days
Besler Poppies III
Fine-Art Print
18" x 24"
Ships within 2-3 days
Besler Poppies IV
Fine-Art Print
18" x 24"
Ships within 2-3 days
Framboise Floral I
22" x 26"
Ships within 15-17 days
Bulb Garden I
18" x 22"
Ships within 15-17 days
Bulb Garden II
18" x 22"
Ships within 15-17 days
Floral I
17" x 21"
Ships within 15-17 days
Floral II
17" x 21"
Ships within 15-17 days
Floral III
17" x 21"
Ships within 15-17 days
Floral IV
17" x 21"
Ships within 15-17 days
Floral V
17" x 21"
Ships within 15-17 days
Floral VI
17" x 21"
Ships within 15-17 days
Framboise Floral II
22" x 26"
Ships within 15-17 days
Framboise Floral III
22" x 26"
Ships within 15-17 days
Bulb Garden III
18" x 22"
Ships within 15-17 days
Bulb Garden IV
18" x 22"
Ships within 15-17 days
Dramatic Aloe I
22" x 26"
Ships within 15-17 days
Dramatic Aloe II
22" x 26"
Ships within 15-17 days
Pink Peony I
Fine-Art Print
18" x 22"
Ships within 15-17 days
Pink Peony II
Fine-Art Print
18" x 22"
Ships within 15-17 days
Pink Peony III
Fine-Art Print
18" x 22"
Ships within 15-17 days
Besler Pink Peony IV
Fine-Art Print
18" x 22"
Ships within 15-17 days
Black and White Besler Peony I
Fine-Art Print
20" x 25"
Ships within 15-17 days
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