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Susan Barmon Wall Art

Susan Barmon has been using photographic portraiture to tell stories through most of her adult life. She grew up in New York and was educated The Portfolio Center in Atlanta, Ga. and at Syracuse University School of Art. She studied photojournalism with the likes of Darling Carlyle Dennis. Susan’s career has encompassed editorial art direction and retail and location photography. When she moved to San Francisco, she had the opportunity to begin “The Millennium” series and to photograph “The Littlest Cowboys” Jr. Rodeo portrait series. Both the series have been shown nationwide, and have won several major awards. In 2006, she began the “Drive By Shooting” series which is ongoing and is being shown as her portrait work. In 2005, Susan entered the digital world with her botanical scans. The images are licensed and published, and have been shown extensively.

They are in private collections as limited editions. The Botanical Scans began when the circumstances of her family required her to be home more and doing her portrait work less. She was intrigued when her fellow photographer showed her the work she was creating moving flowers while scanning them. Susan had always found floral photography wanting and was so inspired when she scanned the actual flowers and eliminated the camera. She was amazed when she was able to see extraordinary detail in the scans. And by creating a layer of depth it became a flora portrait. Susan uses black background for the flora arrangements because it helps bring out all the details as it makes the subject pop.

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Monmouth Junction, NJ 08852

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